Nominate a small business that deserves to be celebrated

Small businesses employ almost 50% of the UK’s work force, and contribute an enormous amount to the economy. The truth is, they’re under represented when it comes to publicity. The cost of hiring a PR agency or advertising means the odds are staceked in favour of big business.

That’s what Small Business Saturday’s are all about. Each week, we’re committing to celebrating one of our many British businesses by sharing their news and publishing an article about them.

But, we need your help – we’re asking for nominations from the public to introduce us to a fantastic small business, whether that’s your favourite cafe, someone who’s created their own business selling home made baking or a bar that’s doing something a little different.

To nominate, just use the form, which you can find below and tell us a little bit about why they should be featured. 

Thank you for helping us celebrate & promote small business in the UK.